Monitoring and conserving Scotland's birds of prey
SRSG launches legal challenge to SNH's Strathbraan raven cull licence
5 June 2018
We have launched a legal challenge against SNH's decision to issue a licence for the 'experimental' cull of protected ravens in the Strathbraan area of Highland Perthshire. Full details about this case can be read here. We have also launched a crowdfunding appeal to help cover the costs of this legal action and any contribution is welcomed! As legal proceedings have begun we're unable to comment further at this stage. Thank you for your support.
Parliamentary motion lodged to commend the work of two award-winning members of SRSG
28 November 2017
Claire Baker MSP (Labour, Mid Scotland & Fife) has lodged the following parliamentary motion calling for the Scottish Parliament to commend the efforts of two Tayside Raptor Study Group members, Logan Steele & Andrea Hudspeth, who last week won the Political Advocate of the Year Awards at the RSPB's Nature of Scotland awards ceremony:
'That the Parliament congratulates Logan Steele and Andrea Hudspeth from Tayside Raptor Study Group on winning the Political Advocate of the Year Award at the RSPB’s Nature of Scotland Awards; recognises the work that Logan and Andrea have carried out in getting the Scottish Government to consider introducing a state-regulated licensing scheme for gamebird hunting; notes that this was initiated by a public petition that they drew up and considered by two government committees before being passed to the environment minister, and commends both on their diligence and hard work in bringing this important issue to the fore'.
SRSG warmly welcomes the establishment of the Scottish Government's grouse moor management review panel
28 November 2017
The Scottish Raptor Study Group is pleased to see the establishment of the Government's grouse moor management review panel, which has been set up after long-held concerns about the link between intensively-managed driven grouse moors and illegal raptor persecution.
Statement from SRSG:
Patrick Stirling Aird, Secretary of the Scottish Raptor Study Group said, “We are delighted that the membership of the panel has been announced and look forward to providing evidence when called upon to do so“.
The public have increasing concerns around the way in which grouse moors are being operated with a substantial body of science proving beyond all doubt the widespread and illegal persecution of birds of prey on many such moors.
We support the introduction of licensing for driven grouse shooting with enforceable sanctions where illegal practices are confirmed. Such a licensing scheme could incorporate a statutory code of practice which helps to protect the public interest and to prevent bad management practices. This concept is widespread in Europe and elsewhere and works well with legitimate shooting interests.
Three SRSG members win prestigious Nature of Scotland Awards
24 November 2017
We are immensely proud that three of our members have won presitigious 2017 Nature of Scotland Awards for their work on raptors. Logan Steele and Andrea Hudspeth won the Political Advocate of the Year Award for their work on the SRSG petition calling for the introduction of gamebird shoot licensing, and Brian Etheridge won the RSPB Species Champion Award for his outstanding raptor fieldwork spanning many decades. Huge congratulations to them all!
2017: January, February, March, April, May, June,July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec ,
2016: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec ,
2015: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept,Oct, Nov, Dec,
2014: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept,Oct, Nov, Dec,
2013: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec,
2012: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept,Oct, Nov, Dec.