Red Kite monitoring scheme reveals breeding success in 2013

7 November 2013

Red kite conservation efforts began in earnest in 1989 when the RSPB and SNH initiated a reintroduction project to restore this native species to its former range. Those efforts continue although now the focus is firmly on monitoring the species’ fortunes in the face of continuing persecution. This monitoring effort is undertaken largely by the RSPB and members of the Scottish Raptor Study Group, with almost complete coverage of the entire red kite population in Scotland.

The results of the 2013 red kite breeding season have now been tallied and show that the kites are doing well with a total of 252 known territorial pairs. Of these, 180 pairs bred successfully in 2013 and between them they produced 335+ fledglings. The regional breakdown is as follows:

Northern Scotland: 49 successful pairs, 105 fledged. 
Central Scotland: 52 successful pairs, 96+ fledged.
Dumfries & Galloway: 63 successful pairs, 91+ fledged.
Aberdeen: 16 successful pairs, 43 fledged.

2013 was also an important year for two public red kite viewing facilities (Argaty Red Kites near Doune and the Galloway Red Kite Trail near Castle Douglas) as they celebrated their tenth annniversaries. More info here.